Waste Water Treatment Plant

What is waste water and waste water treatment?

Water is an important element for most of the domestic and industrial works. Natural water is pure and safe but the used water is full of contaminants and waste particles- and it is this contaminated water which is called wastewater. This kind of water is unsafe to be released into the environment or to utilize for any task. The different kinds of contaminants found in wastewater are suspended solids, BOD leading to high organic pollution as well as nutrients like phosphates & nitrates that abet a BOD condition. Thus, there is always the need of wastewater treatment which implies to improve the water quality as per the set standards to ensure a safe re-use of the same water. The wastewater treatment is carried by wastewater treatment plants. There are various kinds of wastewater treatment plants such as Effluent Treatment Plant, Sewage Treatment Plant etc.

What is Process of Waste water treatment?

The wastewater treatment plants improve the water quality through a number of procedures. Here is a brief on each of them:-

1.Waste water odor control

After the wastewater is transferred to a wastewater treatment plant, the plant carries an odor treatment process to relieve the surroundings from the filthy smell usual from the impure water. All the odor sources would be targeted & neutralized with chemicals to eliminate the dirty smell.


Also known as the pre-treatment phase, the screening stage is all about removing the large hardy particles from the wastewater. It could be rags, debris, diapers, and face wipes, cotton buds- that might clog the treatment process and damage the plant. The wastes removed are usually transported to landfills.

3.Primary Treatment

This stage separates macrobiotic solid particles from wastewater. It is performed by pouring the dirty water into large tanks where the solids would settle at tank surface. Now, the sludge would be removed by scrappers & pushed to middle of cylindrical tank structure – which is to be pumped out later for a further treatment. The water left would be sent for the secondary treatment. Primary stage is mostly about chemical-based treatment that reduces BOD of incoming wastewater to 20-30 percent & that of suspended solids to 50-60 percent.

4.Secondary Treatment

Also known as biological treatment, the secondary stage works to remove dissolved organic substances which were missed out on the primary stage. It is done with microbes released to consume these organic matters which are later converted to CO2, water & energy, needed for their growth & reproduction. This biological procedure would be followed by further settling tanks that aim to remove more suspended solids.

5.Tetriary Treatment

It's the advanced treatment stage that removes the maximum possible impurities from wastewater before releasing it for re-use and recycling.

A well run wastewater treatment plant is able to remove 85 percent & 99 percent of impurities in secondary and tertiary treatment phases respectively. Thus, it’s really crucial to ensure a thorough and professional maintenance routine for your plant. You can count on us here as Laxmi Water Technologies is a much trusted name when it comes to expert wastewater treatment plant maintenance and operation services in all India