Effluent Treatment Plant

What is Effluent ?
Water is any day a vital aide for all industries, used for multiple purposes such as cooling, washing, heat exchanging and so on. However, the water used by the industries isn’t consumed as a whole and there is always some waste water released by these outlets which can be harmful for the environment if not discharged properly. It’s this outflow of wastewater which is termed as “Effluent”.
What is Effluent Treatment Plant
As the name suggests, Effluent Treatment Plant works to treat & purify the untreated effluent or wastewater that comes from the several manufacturing industries- like pharmaceuticals, textiles, dyes, ternary etc. The Effluent treatment assures safe discharge of treated effluent into the environment by removing grit, dirt, debris, polymers and toxic materials from it. These plants take to evaporation & drying as well as several auxiliary techniques like centrifuging, filtration, chemical incineration & finally effluent treatment.
Best Quality ETP Plant Manufacturer in India
Laxmi Water Technologies is one of the leading ETP plant Manufacturers in India offering advanced technologies to purify the effluent or wastewater discharged from the manufacturing units and industrial sectors. The company is actively working in “Green India, Clean India” mission while removing the high toxic contents from the pollutant water. Being using Cost-effective techniques, the demand of same to huge effluent treatment plant is ever increasing.
Be it Food processing company, textile, sugar industry or chemical processing, we are serving to all the industries through content working staff and biotechnology. Regulatory pressure has been increasing to treat the wastewater which contains solid particles like chemicals, metals, organics, oil. This is done to reutilize the wastewater, to discharge the effluent and to stop raising health issues.
Sectors we are Serving Effluent Treatment plant (ETP)
1. Pulp & Paper Manufacturing
2. Sugar & Distilleries
3. Chemical Processing
4. Slaughterhouse & Meat Processing
5. Food & Beverage Industries
6. Cement Industries
7. Pharmaceuticals and bulk drugs industries
8. Automobile Industry
9. Electroplating Industries
10. Textile Industries
11. Tannery Industries
12. Dye & Dye Intermediaries
13. Edible Oil Refineries
14. Aquaculture
15. Power Industry
Key Features & Benefits
1. Customization of ETP Plant as per the client's requirements
2. Lowest Operation and Maintenance cost
3. Easy to use and Install
4. Superior in Quality and high in performance.
5. Regulatory approved technology based on international standards.
6. Fully automated and less manpower required.
7. Ideal for Remote locations with less space.
8. Zero Discharge System.
9. Cold climate nitrification/DE nitrification
10. Durable UV resistant HDPE biofilm carriers.
Various Technological Steps used for effluent process
We provide high quality and smooth functioning ETP plant varying from small sized to Huge size. The actual quotation will vary as per your requirement and the location which can be asked though calling @ 88945-46933. As a whole, ETP procedure does through variant techniques like Equalization, Acidification, pressure filter, primary floatation, filter process, fat recovery, neutralization, calling & mixing, chemical conditioning, setting & separation of chemical sludge, biological oxidation by activated sludge process, bio-clarification, up flow pressure solid filtration, activated carbon filtration.
To Understand, How ET works please see the mentioned graph:-

Different Stages in Effluent Treatment
Preliminary stage:- the stage works to remove solid, grease and oil from effluent before it’s sent for treatment. Primary:- This stage involves removal of settable and floating materials like organic matter or suspended solids. Secondary:- this stage involves BOD (Biodegradable organic matter) removal. Tertiary:- this is the final stage that assures further refinement by removing residues of suspended & dissolved solids.
An Effluent Treatment Plant works through a number of stages. Below is a brief on very stage from start to the final phase.
Primary Filtration
The primary filtration is the stage where effluent collected the industries are sent for a filtration procedure that removes the solid waste materials from the entire wastewater.
Cooling & Mixing
Next, various forms of Effluent would be mixed well and then would be further sent for cooling. The ETPs come up with motor-run fans that help with the cooling part.
Neutralization Tank
This is one of the major steps of the effluent treatment process by the ETPs. After the effluent is cooled down, it would be transferred to the neutralization tank through pumping. It’s the place where alkali or acid would be mixed with the wastewater for neutralization. Every such tank comes with a standard pH meter to check the pH balance of the mixture.
Co-agulant bath
Next to neutralization, the Effluent Treatment Plant would send the neutralized effluent for a solid co-agulant bath where a co-agulant would be added to the effluent.
Settling tank
The settling tank is where the effluent would part from water and would settle down at lowest rung of tank as sludge.
Pressure filtration
As the name suggests, is all about filtering the effluent with a certain degree of pressure.
As you can understand, it’s the final step of the effluent treatment process where the Effluent Treatment Plant would discharge the purified water so that it can be safely drained to the surrounding. It is very important to ensure a proper maintenance of ETPs once they are installed. At Laxmi Water Technologies, our veteran team of wastewater treatment engineers guarantees comprehensive and expert assistance in servicing and maintenance of Effluent Treatment Plants at affordable rates.